» » » Purxious Signature Font

Purxious Signature Font

Purxious Signature Font Purxious Signature Font

















Purxious Signature is a stylish modern calligraphy font with casual chic flair. It is perfect for branding, wedding invites and cards, and maybe for red wine label.

Purxious Signaturet come with more Alternative and more Ligature. The alternative characters were divided into several Open Type features such as Stylistic Sets, Stylistic Alternates and Ligature. The Open Type features can be accessed by using Open Type savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop Corel Draw X version, And Microsoft Word. And this Font has given PUA unicode (specially coded fonts). so that all the alternate characters can easily be accessed in full by a craftsman or designer.

Purxious Signature Font

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